Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Driving too fast!

I can't help it. I love it! I just love driving too fast, even though I know it's dangerous. I love being just on the edge of losing control, but as an over 50 I've toned down a bit.

Last weekend I visited a friend in the country, about 200kms from Perth. It took about two-and-a-half hours. It took 45 minutes or so to get out of the metropolitan area and into the country. Then it was just a very long road, with hardly any other cars. There were a couple of towns to slow down for and then a left turn at Bindoon.

I was pretty well controlled on the road to Bindoon, but after that left turn there weren't really any other cars and with the music up loud (thank God for MP3 players) I found myself going at 130 - 140 kms per hour. I know this is too fast, but it was fun!

The Bindoon to Moora road took about an hour and even though sometimes I went too fast, when the road signs indicated that one should slow down for a bend, I did as I was told.

Bindoon to Moora road

Here's the thing....

When I was younger I would have kept my speed at 130 - 140 kms per hour, except for the bends in the road of course, but now, at 50 something, I found myself slowing down to the speed limit whenever I noticed that I was going too fast.

Funnily enough, the more I was enjoying a song, the faster I got, until I realised how fast I was going. In the old days, I would have kept going fast, but not now. Is it because at 50 something we are constantly reminded of our own mortality? Or is it because I am a better citizen that I was at maybe 30 something? Who knows.


  1. Thinking that the dollar you lose when the police arrive is more valuable these days.

  2. That's why these days I slow down! I don't want to get caught, I don't want the fine and I don't want to crash!


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