Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Rumours and gossip

What is it that makes nasty people nasty? Some of them spread gossip with the intent of causing trouble. I just don't get it.
A couple of nights ago, a man who was raising money for breast cancer research swam in the dark, overnight, from Rottnest to Perth. Some particularly nasty male (Doug) loves to spread viscious rumours and this one had me going on the escort boat. Then he raised the question of why was I sticking my nose into it. He has made a fool of himself before with the nasty things that he says and he did it again this time! He got the wrong Shelley. It was Shelley Taylor-Smith who was accompanying the swimmer, not me.
If he had stopped to think he would have realised that on the committee of the Rottnest Channel Swim Association I would be one of the ones who thought this guy was a maniac (I am scared of sharks, so why would you put yourself at risk by swimming in the dark) and that the Association should have nothing to do with it. Anyway, he never lets the truth get in the way of a good story.
Photo by sindorella
He must think of ways to discredit me all the time as this is just one in a long line of things he has done. He makes me think of the line by Wil Wheaton in the 'Big Bang Theory' where he says that he has rented space in Sheldon's head, for free! Sheldon spends his life worrying about Wil Wheaton and that just suits Wil Wheaton fine. If Doug spends his life thinking of ways to discredit me, it means that he is angry  with me a lot of the time. Actually, he is just an angry person, so if I get to him by just being me, I have rented space in his head for free, just like Wil Wheaton! What a waste of energy.

What is it that motivates people like this? Are they trying to make the other person look bad? Mostly, I think that they make themselves look bad.

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