Friday, November 16, 2012

Snap decision

This is something that I NEVER do! I am always so cautious and always take ages and ages to make a decision about spending a big lot of money. But, at over 50, could I be changing?

I was lucky enough to go to the USA from mid-July to mid-August this year. I spent a few days in Texas, which was very hot. I went to Dallas and San Antonio to see the Alamo, which was very interesting.

A few days later I went to stay with friends, who live on Lake Minnetonka, Minnesota. What a wonderful place that was!

View from the back window to the lake

I was there for about a week and then went to Crater Lake National Park with some other friends who live in Portland, Oregon. That, too, was wonderful.

Crater Lake
Then to LA and the Grand Canyon and back to Perth.

A week or so after I came back to Perth I got an email saying "I'm getting married on September 28 and we'd love you to come". All fine and good, but they are Italians living in the north of Italy! For the next week or so I changed my mind 200 million times on whether to go or not. The sensible me said no because I didn't have the money and I had used up all my holidays. My newly emerging, throwing caution to the wind self said "why not, just do it". All my friends said I should go, but I semi-decided not to and then after a week or so I forgot about it (truth be told I probably didn't want to think about it).

About 10 days before the wedding, the mother of the bride sent an email saying that she had just found out that her daughter had invited me and they would love me to come. What to do?

So, I spent the next couple of hours debating with myself whether or not to go and then at a fortuitous time my brother rang up. He was really excited about it and said I should go, so I booked the flights right then and there.

The interesting thing was that, even though I had to borrow the money, I never once had buyer's remorse and thought I shouldn't have done it.

I had a fantastic time (it was only a week) and I am glad that I went.

So..... that is my first ever throw caution to the wind and just do something moment of my life, even though I had argued with myself about it a couple of weeks before.

Why now? Why did I do it? Maybe I thought that I'd always regret not going. Maybe I am developing a new not-so-cautious persona and some new values. Maybe I'm thinking you only live once!

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