Friday, July 26, 2013

If you don't like something, change it!

Just look at Kevin Rudd! He was sent packing three years ago when he was shown to micro-manage his staff and the cabinet and make all the decisions without really consulting anyone. What a huge blow to his ego to be sacked by his own ministers who accused him of all sorts of things relating to not being competent and capable of being a leader. His behaviour let him down. Have a look at this video. Its title is "Julia Gillard did not knife Kevin Rudd (he did it to himself)".
Of course, Rudd didn't like not being in the top job, he even wept whilst giving his farewell speech.
So what did he do? He changed it. He spent the next three years destabilising his own party, and therefore the country, so he could be the Prime Minister again. It took three goes, but he did it. He finally worked out how to get rid of Julia Gillard and did it. Take a look at how gracious she was in her speech, compared to the blubbering backstabber above.
I'm no fan of hers, but this is a very good speech. She showed a lot of class.
She didn't like what happened, but she is going to change it by doing something positive. She won't spend three years plotting her revenge, like her predecessor who is also her successor.
I don't like some things either, so I am going to change them. I can remember about 20 years ago when I was a school psychologist I couldn't stand the job any longer so I applied for other jobs and got lots of interviews. A lot of the teachers at the high school where I worked three days per week thought I was a real guru. They all complained about their jobs all the time, but none of them did anything about it. In the end I said to them, "if you don't like it, do something about it". I did, they didn't.
So, a friend and I started a business marketing management consultants, which has now been in operation for 19 years. I can't believe that it has been that long. Anyway, 19 years is a long time and now it is time to move on.
I don't like it anymore, so I am doing something about it. Some people complain all the time that they don't like the way things are going for them, but don't do anything about it. Well, what's going to change if you don't do something different? I am doing something about it. I am looking for a new role in the not-for-profit sector in an organisation that could gain some benefit from my skills.
Another interest that I have always wanted to have an on-line business. It has taken me two-and-a-half years to figure out what that might be, but now I have a fairly good idea of what I am going to do. Stay tuned!
What have you done to fix what you don't like?

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