What an embarrassing week for Australia this has been. The political party (Labor party) that is supposed to be running this country is doing anything but that. They are fighting amongst themselves and knifing each other in the back.
I thought we elected governments, not that this mob was elected but that's a different story, to provide good governance, infrastructure etc and to govern for the long-term good of the country. Not this government. Their main concern is to maintain office for themselves and to run over whoever they have to to remain in office. I am sick to death of seeing reports of parliamentarians feeding some self-serving interest rather than being there for the good of the country.
In this video Julia Gillard says that they are leading for the good of the nation. I don't think so! Julia Gillard is leading for the good of Julia Gillard. A member of her own party, Kevin Rudd, has been actively destabilising her leadership from the very day that she staged a coup to divest him of the leadership. Ever since the Labor party was elected with Kevin Rudd as the leader they have been there for their own sakes and not with the interests of the country in mind. They just want to be in power and to be remembered by history.
Well, guess what? This mob will be remembered for all the wrong reasons - infighting, disloyalty, treachery, you name it.
It is so very embarrassing. What must the rest of the world think?
Actually, I think I'd rather not know.