Thursday, December 27, 2012

Was I depressed?

Possibly. Maybe. Probably not. BUT I wasn't in a very good space.
You may have noticed that I haven't been around for a few weeks. The business we have been operating for the last 18 years seemed to be going nowhere and I was tired of banging my head against a brick wall. I couldn't see anyway out of it, but I reassured my business partner that I wasn't going to kill myself, because I never want to miss out on anything and I always want to see what's around the next corner. I just bumped into an old friend at the supermarket and remembered that he told me once that he had contemplated suicide and my reaction was to say just what I said above - I don't want to miss out on anything!
I think I was just temporarily depressed (I believe the real thing is a long lasting condition). I didn't want to do anything, didn't want to make any decisions, didn't want to go swimming training (the one thing that I LOVE to do) and didn't want to go to the gym or to go to work.
What I did do is MADE myself go swimming and go to the gym because of the social aspects of both and I think I read somewhere once that people who exercise don't get depressed or ill as much as other people do. It was hard work, but I did it.
Having just written that I have just looked up a really good website called Beyond Blue, which is the Australian National Depression Initiative. I found an article on depression  and exercise and it turns out that I did lots of the things that you are meant to do! Lucky me. I had probably absorbed the information from the TV advertising that the government does periodically.
It wasn't a very nice situation to be in and I don't want to experience it again. I can't imagine what the real thing would be like. Awful.


  1. there is medication for the real thing, and friends for the situational depression. you did good my dear friend!!

  2. Thanks! I didn't like it so I tried to change it! Also, a couple of decisions helped.


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