Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I Love Sleeping

I think sleeping is one of the most wonderful things on earth. I love the relaxed feeling just as you are waking up. Trouble is, that you become more and more awake and lose that lovely feeling. Every night I just can't wait to go to bed and to be nice and warm and snuggly....

....and then I wake up at about 2:30am and if I am lucky I go back to sleep until about 4am and that is it!

This morning I woke at about 2:15am and didn't go back to sleep. I lay there hoping and hoping and hoping. I turned my alarm off, which was set for 5am to go swimming. I didn't go back to sleep but I still enjoyed being in bed.

What's with being 50 something and not sleeping properly?

Health magazine has a good article about mixed up sleep in older people (is this us - older?) and says it may relate to the aging process and that the brain produces less and less melatonin as we get older. Apparently, this is the hormone that regulates sleep at night and alertness during the day.

At least I know now it's not just me! Does anyone else have interruped sleep?


  1. Most important questions we have, does long night
    sleep return?

    1. I can say with relish that a long night of sleep DID return last night. I was very relieved.


Looking forward to seeing your comments.