Saturday, October 20, 2012

Am I Really 50 Something?

I am almost half-way through my 50s and can't believe it! What happened to the last 10, 20, 30 years? I suspect lots of other people feel like me, too.

I live in Perth, Western Australia, close to the beach and close to the ocean. It's a wonderful place to live and the lifestyle is fantastic.

I like to read a lot and sometimes in this blog I might mention a book or film that I have read that you might like to look at.

This blog will look at life at 50 something, which is a very weird stage of life. For some the kids are on the way out the door and others are beginning to look after aging parents. We will look at the fun stuff (and there's lots of that) and some issues in the general world that are relevant to us, which also may promote some discussion. The more we can discuss the simpler things seem and the more fun we will have.

At the moment my mother lives in Dallas, Texas and I can't think why someone would move from beautiful Perth to live in Dallas. Some readers may be able to help me with that one! Another topic that I find interesting is my aging body (it wasn't meant to happen to me, just everyone else) and what things there are out there to help me with it.

Why would you choose to live in Dallas instead of sunny, pretty Perth?

Chihuly exhibition (the only good thing about Dallas)

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