Tuesday, March 19, 2013

No respect

It's confirmed! It's not just me! I thought that maybe I had become intolerant now that I am old (over 50), but it seems that lots of people are feeling the same way.
I know it's easy to say "we weren't like that" when we see young people misbehaving themselves. No-one seems to respect anyone else these days, especially it seems young people. They think that they should be on show all the time and that they can do what ever they like, even if it affects other people. Getting falling down drunk seems to be what you do these days. Sure, we got drunk, but not falling down drunk. Here's a case in point - two girls who have lost control because they are too drunk. They seem to think it's funny, but it has caused a lot of people in Perth to agree with the man who tried to stop them. Have a look....
Lots of people, me included, think that this man should be congratulated. We have lost tolerance with people who have no respect for anyone else.
Why is it that no-one seems to respect anyone else these days? It's not limited to young people. I don't know how many times an old granny has deliberately run into me with her trolley at the supermarket. Or people driving aggressively to gain one car's length. Or cases of road rage. The list is endless.
Is it because there are many more of us squashed into the same space? Maybe parents these days don't teach their kids manners. Maybe they think it should be the schools that teach social skills and manners. Maybe it's because kids don't learn social skills because they 'connect' with each other online and rarely go out and play when they're younger, or just go and hang out with each other when they are a bit older.
Who knows? I just wish that everyone had more respect for each other.
I'm interested to hear what you think.

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